Elsword - Elsword Gets Cozier with the El Housing Update!There's no place like home and so it's time get a home of your very own with the new El Housing System! The new feature will come alongside a special event that runs through May 20th to June 2nd to help players get their house started. Void Elsword ShutdownDue to internal team circumstances we have decided to suspend Void Elsword for the forseeable future.This decision doesn't come lightly as many of you know we intended to stay around for much longer.It has been a wild ride since.
A long time ago, the continent of Elios was barren and empty. The continent was named the 'The Land Forgotten by God' or 'The Land of Darkness'. Grim legends surrounded this inhospitable place and humans avoided it. One day, however, a wondrous transformation began. The land became fertile, plants began to grow everywhere and life returned to the continent. The cause of this was a giant gemstone which shone so bright that it defeated the darkness. The humans stood in wonder at the power of this stone and asked themselves what marvellous material it could be made of. Fascinated, they gave the blue diamond a name: they called the gemstone EL.
Many generations passed and the continent's dark past became a myth. Humans no longer called this continent 'The Land Forgotten by God' but held it to be blessed and gave it the name Elios. The power of the blue gemstone flowed through all creatures in Elios. The Nasod were also fed by its energy. Nasod, robot-like beings made of iron and screws, but given life thanks to EL. Humans treated them badly and their only purpose was to perform menial tasks.EL itself was guarded by a priestess who the inhabitants of Elios named 'El's Lady'. Eight masters stood by her side. One master was in love with El's Lady, however, and wanted her all for himself. He hatched a plan in which he wanted to steal the crystal and so gain control of El's Lady. When the other masters learned of this plan from a traitorous servant, they began to fight: some sided with the renegade master, others tried to stop him. A brutal war broke out across the land. El's Lady tried to save EL, but she had barely touched it before EL exploded.
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El Resonance is a feature that enables characters at max level to further enhance their abilities and all other characters linked to the same account.
Unlocking El Resonance
El Resonance Button
El Resonance can only be unlocked through the item El Resonance Book, which can be obtained through the quest 'Another power! El Resonance!' or purchased from the Item Mall. Only characters that have reached level 99 can obtain this quest. After unlocking this feature, the El Resonance menu can be accessed through the character menu.
StoryAnother power! El Resonance! |
{{Quest Acceptance Prerequisites | Objectives | Description |
| - Defeat Secret Dungeon boss 7 times
- Collect 1 El Resonance Device
| Look at you, now you look stronger! But it's not enough! I got a secret book that could help you step up. I will hand it to you if you do something for me. Oh, you can buy [El Resonance Device] from [Ariel]. |
Rewards |
Currency/Experience | Common Rewards | Selective Rewards |
ED | 0 | [COBO] El Resonance Book | N/A | EXP | 0 | N/A | N/A | AP | 0 | N/A | N/A |
Upon completing the first quest on a capped character, all other characters get access to the El Resonance System regardless of their level.
El Resonance Levels
Elsword Erp Guide
After the El Resonance Book is used, the EXP bar in the user interface will become cyan-colored. It will now display the progress towards the next El Resonance Level when viewed with a character at level 99.
Characters at level 99 can now obtain EXP as normal. All EXP gained from killing enemies, doing dungeons/PvP, and completing quests will contribute to the El Resonance Level. Progress towards the next El Resonance Level is shared between all characters within the same account. Only characters at level 99 can contribute to the El Resonance Levels. The amount of EXP needed to advance to the next El Resonance Level will be increasingly higher as you level up.
El Resonance Points
El Resonance Points (ERP) are obtained every time the El Resonance level increases. Points can be invested into El Resonance passives. The maximum amount of ERP that can be obtained is 999.
To remove El Resonance Points that are invested into passives, the player must use the item El Resonance Point Reset Coin or the El Resonance Point Reset Scroll. The coin can be consumed to remove one point while the scroll can be consumed to remove all the points within a single column.
The allocation of El Resonance Points is separate for each character in the player's account. All characters with access to this system will not share the same allocation of points, but each character may maintain a unique allocation. Each character will have an equal amount of El Resonance Points to invest and the point allocation of one character will not affect the others.
El Resonance Passives
Basic | Dungeon | Support |
Skill Image | Effect Per Level | Max Skill Level | Skill Image | Effect Per Level | Max Skill Level | Skill Image | Effect Per Level | Max Skill Level |
Physical Attack +10 Magical Attack +10 | Infinite | Active, Tenacity, Strength, Bravery Skill Damage +0.35% (excluding Hyper Active) | 100 | MP Cost -0.2% | 100 |
Physical Defense +10 Magical Defense +10 | Infinite | Polarize: Attack/Attacked Damage +0.15% | 50 | Skill Cooldown -0.2% | 100 |
All Elemental Resistances +10 | 50 | Damage dealt to Boss Monsters +0.3% | 50 | EXP Gain +2% | 100 |
HP Increase +0.5% | 50 | Damage received from Boss Monsters -0.4% | 50 | ED Gain +2% | 100 |
Max MP +2 | 50 | Adaptation +0.07% | 100 | Item Drop Rate +2% | 100 |
GeneralBattle! El Resonance! |
{{Quest Acceptance Prerequisites | Objectives | Description |
- Unlocked El Resonance
- Achieve Lv. 40
| - Use 10 El Resonance Points 0/10
| Now try resonating with the El! I bet you can feel the difference once you put 10 points or more! I'll give you 10 reset coins, so do whatever you want! |
Rewards |
Currency/Experience | Common Rewards | Selective Rewards |
ED | 0 | [Ariel] El Resonance Point Reset Coin x10 | N/A | EXP | 0 | N/A | N/A | AP | 0 | N/A | N/A |
GeneralNew El Resonance! |
{{Quest Acceptance Prerequisites | Objectives | Description |
- Complete the Battle! El Resonance! quest
| | You need to use different El Resonance for different situations! I'm sure you already know though. When you prove yourself, I'll give you this special reset scroll! Try something new! |
Rewards |
Currency/Experience | Common Rewards | Selective Rewards |
ED | 0 | [Ariel] El Resonance Point Reset Scroll | N/A | EXP | 0 | N/A | N/A | AP | 0 | N/A | N/A |
Elsword Erp Leveling
Related Items
Image | Item Name | How to Obtain | Cost | Effect |
El Resonance Point Reset Coin | - Purchasable from the Item Mall
- Rewarded after completing certain Achievements
- Event reward
| 25 K-Ching | Use to take back one point from a passive effect. |
El Resonance Point Reset Scroll | - Purchasable from the Item Mall
- Reach Level 99
| 2,390 K-Ching | Use to reset all the El Resonance Points invested in one column. |
El Resonance Page Expansion | - Purchasable from the Item Mall
| 3,300 K-Ching | Adds 1 El Resonance Page for characters using this item (max 4). |
El Resonance Device | | 10,000,000 ED | Required to complete the Story Quest Another power! El Resonance! |
El Resonance Book | - Complete the Story Quest Another power! El Resonance!
- Purchasable from the Item Mall
| 500 K-Ching | Unlocks El Resonance |
El Resonance Potion | - Exchange from Helen
- Event reward
| N/A | Receive El Resonance Experience Points. |
Resonance Level Up Scroll | - Only exists in the database
| N/A | Level up El Resonance Level by 1. (Must be Lv. 99, ERP Lv. 1 ~ Lv.99) |
Tips and Details

Elsword Erbluhen Emotion
- The Support passive will not reduce the cooldown time of Hyper Active skills in PvP.
- However, it will reduce the MP usage of Hyper Active skills, even in PvP.
- Like Awakened One, the Body passive actually increases Base HP, not Max HP.
- In PvP, the effects of all passives are reduced to 40%.
- All passives in the Dungeon column will have no effect in PvP.
Date | Changes |
KR | NA | PvE | PvP |
09/29/2016 | - | - El Resonance system added.
04/27/2017 | 05/10/2017 | | - ▼ All effects are 40% effective.
11/14/2018 | - | - ▲ Physical/Magical Attack Increase increased.
- ▲ Physical/Magical Defense Increase increased.
- ▲ All Elemental Resistance Increase increased.
- ▲ Active, Tenacity, Strength, and Bravery Skill Damage Increase combined into All Skill Damage Increase.
- ▲ Polarize Increase added.
- ▲ Damage dealt to Boss Monsters Increase added.
- ▲ Damage received from Boss Monsters Decrease added.
- ▲ Adaptation Increase added.
- ▼ Elemental Activation Rate Increase removed.
- ▼ Max HP/MP Increase separated.
- Max MP Increase changed from +0.5% to +2.
- ▼ Hyper Active Skill Damage Increase removed.
- ▼ MP Cost Decrease decreased.
- ▼ Skill Cooldown Decrease decreased.
08/29/2019 | 09/25/2019 | - All Skill Damage changed to Active, Tenacity, Strength, Bravery Skill Damage.
Elsword Erp Farming
General Guides |
Story | ▪ Elsword World ▪ Lore ▪ NPCs ▪ Story ▪ Timeline |
Gameplay Modes | ▪ Dungeons ▪ Hunting Fields ▪ PvP |
Gameplay Features | ▪ Achievements ▪ Artifact System ▪ El Resonance ▪ El Search Party Collection ▪ Experience Table ▪ Force Skills ▪ Quests ▪ Skill Quest ▪ Skill Tree ▪ Skills ▪ Titles ▪ UI Guide |
Gameplay Mechanics | ▪ Awakening Mode ▪ Character Systems ▪ Fever ▪ Mana Break ▪ Power-ups ▪ Resurrection ▪ Skill Traits ▪ Special Effect ▪ Stamina ▪ Statistics ▪ Status Effects ▪ Stoic Thresholds |
Character Progression | ▪ 1st Jobs ▪ 2nd Jobs ▪ Transcendence ▪ 3rd Jobs ▪ Master Class |
System Guides | ▪ Bank ▪ El House ▪ Elrios Hot Springs ▪ Elrios Studio ▪ Item Lock System ▪ Magic Wardrobe ▪ Mentor-Pupil System ▪ Party List System ▪ Profession System ▪ Random Mission System ▪ Wedding System |
Life Content | ▪ Fishing ▪ Pet Expedition |
Guild Content | ▪ Guild ▪ Guild Banner System ▪ Guild Base ▪ Guild Expedition ▪ Guild Farm System |
Items | ▪ Consumable ▪ Cubes ▪ Currency ▪ Item Database ▪ Monster Cards ▪ Mounts ▪ Pets |
Equipment & Accessories | ▪ Arena Sets (S4) ▪ Boss Drops ▪ Equipment Sets ▪ Legend Equipment ▪ Regional Equipment ▪ Unique Equipment (Amethystine Prophecy Equipment ▪ Elrianode Equipment ▪ Secret Dungeon Equipment) |
Equipment Functions | ▪ Attributing ▪ Dismantling ▪ Identifying ▪ Imprinting ▪ Mystic Enchant ▪ Socketing ▪ Upgrading |
Cash | ▪ Bingo ▪ Character Customization ▪ Ice Burners ▪ Item Mall ▪ Treasure Hunt |
Miscellaneous | ▪ Dance Commands ▪ Epic NPCs ▪ Quick Voice ▪ Skill Cut-ins ▪ Soundtrack ▪ Wallpapers |
Other Media | ▪ Animation ▪ Elsword Mobile Games ▪ Heart El ▪ Light Novels ▪ Official Merchandise ▪ PROJECT EL★STAR ▪ Webcomics |
Elsword Ereda
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