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The Hand Diaphragm PrimerPump (DP) is an air pump that creates vacuum suction in a centrifugal pump priming line and pulls water up into the pump to prime it. These centrifugal pump primers are popular for their portability and simplicity.
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Protek Specialty Diaphragm Primer Models: DP5, DP7, and DP9
The DP primer has a flapper check valve in the diaphragm and a disk check valve at the bottom of the unit. Air flows through the bottom check valve on the diaphragm up stroke then through the diaphragm valve on the down stroke. Diaphragm is actuated through a connecting rod eyebolt attached to a fulcrum handle bracket.
The Protek Specialty DIAPHRAGM PRIMER PUMPS are centrifugal pump primers, ideal for use in irrigation, firefighting, liquid extraction, and fluid distribution applications.
Compatible products : Centrifugal Pump, hand pump, skid.
Common names : hand pump primer, centrifugal pump primer, suction lift
primer, portable primer, centrifugal primer, centrifugal water pump primer, permanent primer.
Lightweight, portable aluminum alloy body.
Easily mounted on most centrifugal pumps.
Tough and durable rubber diaphragm.
Units have a drain valve.
- Attach mounting bracket to centrifugal pump or skid.
- Use non-collapsible hose or flexible tubing to connect primer suction inlet to pump.
- Install cut-off valve between the primer suction inlet and pump.
- Close cut-off valve immediately after priming.
- Make sure primer drain valve is closed.
- A cut-off valve should be used at the pump discharge to prevent air from being drawn through the discharge line while priming.
- Remove any debris under the diaphragm after each use.
- Clear all fluids from inside the unit after each use.
If DP is not priming the pump, check the following: - Make sure drain cock is closed.
- Inspect check valve for blockage and free movement.
- Check suction side for air leaks.
- Connecting hoses should be straight and clear of debris.
- Call Protek Technical Support for additional help.
Hand Diaphragm Primer – Parts
DP5 DP7 DP9 Description D0055 D0087 D0062 Lower Housing D0056 D0088 D0063 Upper Housing D0054 D0058 D0061 Diaphragm D0107 D0104 Mounting Bracket D0093 D0093 D0093 Handle Bracket D0303 Diaphragm Plate (2 Req’d) D0003 1-½” Locknut D0127-A D0127-A D0127-A Connecting Rod Assembly D0050 D0050 D0051 Fulcrum Eyebolt D0004 D0004 D0004 Check Valve D0340 D0340 D0340 Drain Valve D0347A D0347A D0347A Clevis Pin Assembly X0D01 X0D01 X0D01 Thumb Screw HANDLE W/ GRIP ASSEMBLY – #D0095 PART # DESCRIPTION D0094 Grip D0094-5 Handle Pipe Handle W/ Bracket Assembly – #D0047 PART # DESCRIPTION D0093 Handle Bracket (Includes 2 Fast Pins & Thumb Screw) D0095 Handle with Grip Assembly (See Above Chart) OLD STYLE PARTS (Available Upon Request) Old Style DP9 PART # DESCRIPTION Old Style DP5 & DP7 D0339 Ball Check Valve D0300 ¾” MPT x ½” FPT Valve Bushing REPAIR KITS D05RK , D07RK , D09RK PART# DESCRIPTION D0004 Check Valve (Disk) D0054, D0058, D0061 Diaphragm D0303 (DP5 only) Diaphragm Plate (2 req.) D0340 Drain Valve X0D04 ¼-20 x 1″ Bolt (4 Req’d) X0D10 ³/8″ Flat Washer (2 req.) X0D11 Jam Nut (2 Req.) X0D12 ¼-20 Self Locking Nut (4 Req.) PRIMER SELECTION CHART PRIMER PIPE SIZE DP5 2”, 3”, 4” DP7 4”, 5”, 6” DP9 6”, 8”, or Larger PRIMER CAPACITY CHART # of Strokes to Prime Through 25’ of 4” Suction # of Strokes to Prime Through 25’ of 6” Suction # of Strokes to Prime Through 25’ of 8” Suction PRIMER 5” HG 10” HG 15” HG 5” HG 10” HG 15” HG 5” HG 10” HG 15” HG DP5 10 27 55 DP7 6 15 32 12 33 65 DP9 4 9 20 10 23 45 17 37 77 * Hg = Inches of Mercury
Exhaust Primer
Power Primer
Motorized Diaphragm Pump
Oil Centrifuge Machine
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