- Wohlenberg Cutter Manual
- Wohlenberg Guillotine Parts
- Wohlenberg Guillotine Manual
- Wohlenberg Guillotine Manual Instructions
- In our Online-Shop you can find the major spare parts for Wohlenberg-Cutting-System until inclusively the year of construction 2009. Please contact us, if there are any spare parts that you can't find.
- Wohlenberg offers inspections on existing Wohlenberg perfect binding lines. This includes a corresponding spare parts recording on site, preparation of a spare part quotation in the factory and if ordered, carrying out work on the machine.
We carry a varied stock of guillotine spares for most makes of guillotines including EBA, Polar, Schneider, Wohlenberg, Ideal etc We can also supply electrical components from fuses to full circuits, PCB’s etc For older machines we carry a number of direct replacement parts and retrofit controls.
Individuality ex works

Wohlenberg Cutter Manual
div > .uk-panel', row:true}'>Gathering machine
The gathering machines Sprinter are developed according to the modular principle. All elements can be individually put together and can be used as a single machine or inline with a perfect binder.

Wohlenberg Guillotine Parts
Perfect binder
The perfect binders from Wohlenberg offer a unique variety in application technology. By the optional processing of hotmelt, dispersion and PUR (roller + nozzle) as well as the optimal processing of gauzing material, book blocks and brochures can be produced in one run.
Three-knife trimmer
There are inline and offline machines in the portfolio of Wohlenberg. Depending on which requirements have to be met, significantly shorter set-up times and a high degree of automation can be used, or the choise of a offline solution with either continuous or return operation for a one- or two-man operation.
Wohlenberg Guillotine Manual
Other machines - specials
Wohlenberg Guillotine Manual Instructions
In special machine construction, Wohlenberg machines can be expanded with various units and machines. The most important focus is on a foredge trimming device VSS and a cover folder feeder KRF.