- .The PAL region is most of Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and Oceania. After you scan the QR code, a special gift has been delivered. Receive Magearma from the deliveryman in the select antique shop, Antiquities of the Ages, located in the Shopping District in Hau'oli City.
- Choose “QR Scanner” in the bottom screen menu Line your DS up with the code above while the R button is held down When the scan is confirmed, visit the deliveryman in the antique shop, Antiquities of the Ages (located in Hau’oli City on Melemele Island) to receive Magearna. Don’t forget to save afterwards!
- Visit the deliveryman in the Antiquities of the Ages shop in Hau'oli City to get Magearna; Be sure to save your game! EU Code: Note: The QR code can be scanned once per game and the code does not expire. NA Code: Note: The QR code can be scanned once per game and the code does not expire.
You'd be hard pressed to find a pair of Pokémon that impact abattlefield quite like Kyogre and Groudon. These powerful Legendary Pokémonfrom the Hoenn region are known for their immense power and for changing theweather as they enter the battlefield. They're also the only two known Pokémoncapable of undergoing Primal Reversion, an incredible transformation thatreveals their true power. Details about how to add these titans to your teamare available at Pokemon.com/Legendary.
Antiquities Of The Ages Pokemon Movie
4 - Visit the deliveryman at the Antiquities of the Ages shop in Hau'oli City to get Magearna 5 - Be sure to save your game! Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube.
Either incredible Pokémon is sure to be the star of any battleteam you compose. Both are effective in battle right from the word “Go,” but theycan become even more powerful if you train them to reach their full potential.Read on for some tips about how to take your Kyogre and Groudon to anotherlevel.
Training Tips
The Pokémon you receive will be different depending on which gameyou're playing. Pokémon Ultra Sun andPokémon Sun players will receiveKyogre, while Pokémon Ultra Moon and Pokémon Moon players will receiveGroudon instead. You'll get only one of these Pokémon via distribution, but youcan catch the other in the Ultra Wormhole when playing Pokémon Ultra Sun or PokémonUltra Moon.
The Pokémon you receive will be higher level and know strongermoves with Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon,and they'll be holding a super-rare Gold Bottle Cap. They'll also be Lv. 100—perfectfor Hyper Training. If you visit Mr. Hyper at the Hau'oli City Shopping Malland present him with a Gold Bottle Cap, you can instantly max out yourLegendary Pokémon's individual strengths. That quickly gets one big element of preparingfor battle out of the way.
Even though your Pokémon won't need any more Exp. Points, youshould still take it into battle to train its base stats. You should also payattention to its Nature, which has a big impact on how it performs in combat.Some 2016Pokémon World Championships competitors trained Groudon to be extremelyquick—others, as slow as possible. Some trained their Groudon to use physicalattacks, an equal number went for special attacks instead, and some even optedfor a mix of both. Almost any Nature can be optimal for a matching strategy—oneTrainer even made it to the final stage of the tournament with a Groudon whoseSerious Nature didn't change its stats at all. The approach to Kyogre is muchsimpler—most Trainers seek out Kyogre with Modest Natures to enhance theirincredible Special Attack, but other Natures, such as Bold and especially Adamant,are popular for alternate Single Battle strategies.
Don't forget you can help these high-level Pokémon relearn moves—movesthey'd normally learn by leveling up—if you bring a Heart Scale to MadamMemorial in the Pokémon Center on Mount Lanakila. You can collect Heart Scaleseasily by visiting the restaurants across Alola.
Weather Wars and Primal Power
Battles involving Kyogre and Groudon often become battlesbetween warring weathers as much as about knocking out Pokémon. Kyogre'sDrizzle Ability causes it to rain on the field for five turns, increasing thepower of Water-type moves and decreasing the power of Fire-type moves, while thesunlight from Groudon's Drought causes the opposite effect. When a new weathercondition is introduced by a move like Rain Dance or an Ability like Drizzle,it immediately supersedes the existing weather condition.
Many Trainers pair Kyogre and Groudon with other Pokémonthat can benefit from their Abilities—for instance, players often match Kyogrewith Pokémon that have the Swift Swim Ability (doubles Speed in Rain) or thatknow Thunder (perfectly accurate during Rain). Trainer battles involving thetwo Pokémon are challenging and fun but are also among the more technical matches.If your team relies on a weather condition, it's crucial to keep it active byswitching your Legendary Pokémon in and out of battle wisely.

The power of the two Pokémon can be further increasedthrough Primal Reversion, a form change that enhances their stats and Abilities.Primal Kyogre's Primordial Sea Ability grants the benefits of Drizzle on top ofcausing Fire-type attacks to fail completely, while Primal Groudon's DesolateLand does the same to Water-type attacks. The weather effects created by theseAbilities are so powerful, they overwhelm the other means of changing weather completely.The only way to replace the effect of one of these Abilities is to activate theother—or to trigger Mega Rayquaza's Delta Stream Ability. But watch out—Pokémonwith the Air Lock or Cloud Nine Abilities can still temporarily negate theseeffects.
Kyogre needs to hold the Blue Orb to undergo PrimalReversion, while Groudon must hold the Red Orb instead. You can purchase bothitems from Antiquities of the Ages in the Hau'oli City mall in Pokémon Ultra Sun, Pokémon Ultra Moon, PokémonSun, and Pokémon Moon.
Ride the Waves with Kyogre

Kyogre's key strength is the raw power of its Water-type attacks.It has a fantastic Special Attack stat, gets a bonus to Water-type attacks forbeing a Water-type Pokémon, and then often gets another bonus from rainyweather. Most Trainers opt to use a Kyogre with a Modest Nature to maximizedamage, but a Liquidation attack from a Primal Kyogre with an Adamant Nature issomething to be feared.

The Sea Basin Pokémon can learn the strongest Water-type attackscapable of damaging both foes in a Double Battle. Trainers often have anotherPokémon use Trick Room or Tailwind to allow Kyogre to move first in battle,enabling it to blast away with Water Spout at full power (Water Spout's damageis based on how much of the user's HP is remaining). Kyogre is also the onlyPokémon that can learn the incredible Origin Pulse attack by leveling up. Whileits 85% accuracy is unreliable, hitting both foes from an unwavering 110 power makesit one of the best attacks in the world of Pokémon. Trainers typically finishup their Double Battle move sets with Protect and Ice Beam to cover foes suchas Rayquaza, sometimes opting for Thunder instead of one of the Water-typeattacks to cover other Kyogre.

Kyogre's Attack improves more than any other stat when it becomesPrimal Kyogre. Building a Single Battle strategy around physical attacks ismore effective than ever now that it can learn Liquidation with the help of aMove Tutor in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon. Teaching KyogreEarthquake allows it to dispatch most Electric types with relative ease, andits Special Attack is so high—even with an Adamant Nature—to bring the hurtwith a supereffective Ice Beam or Thunder.
The resourceful Legendary Pokémon can learn a few tricks if you'relooking for something a little different. Kyogre can make itself even tougherto stop by using Calm Mind to increase its own hefty Special Attack and SpecialDefense. And a Kyogre that knows both Rest and Sleep Talk can win most battlesof attrition in Single Battles.
Crush Your Foes with Groudon
The Antiquities Act
Groudon may well be the most versatile Legendary Pokémonaround. We've seen Trainers use it in almost innumerable ways—fast, slow,physical attacks, special attacks, mixed attacks—and each strategy has beeneffective. Many powerful supportive moves further expand Groudon's arsenal,making it an unpredictable opponent in battle.
Selecting which attacks to teach Groudon is tricky. It'sbest to play off its Nature—a Timid, Modest, or Quiet Groudon should primarilylearn special attacks, while a Jolly, Adamant, or Brave Groudon should stickmostly to physical attacks. It's also key to teach Groudon some spread attacksif you plan to engage in Double Battles, while supportive moves such as StealthRock and Rock Polish are much more effective in Single Battles.

The traditional way to train Groudon is to focus on physicalattacks. Groudon's equivalent to Origin Pulse is Precipice Blades, a physicalGround-type attack with a mighty 120 base power and 85% accuracy. Trainersconsider it an upgrade on Earthquake in all formats because it has higher basepower in Single Battles and it doesn't damage Groudon's partner in DoubleBattles. Precipice Blades is often paired with a Rock-type attack such as StoneEdge, Rock Slide, or Rock Tomb to cover the Flying-type Pokémon who are immuneto Ground-type attacks. Overheat and Protect are common final choices in DoubleBattles, while Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, Toxic, and Rock Polish all earnadditional consideration in Singles.
A special attack set is a little underwhelming in Groudon'sbase form, but the Fire- and Ground-type Primal Groudon is much more capable. Eruptionfunctions similarly for Primal Groudon as Water Spout does for Kyogre, but Groudonhas much stronger single-target Fire-type options in Overheat and Fire Blast, inexchange for weak alternative spread moves. You'll normally want to teach itthe special Ground-type attack Earth Power with this approach. Groudon'sspecial attacks cover fewer types than Kyogre's do, so many Trainers opt for aGroudon with an Ice-type Hidden Power. Groudon can also take advantage of theharsh sunlight with Solar Beam, but it's tough to catch opposing Kyogre with itbecause it requires control of the weather.
Pokemon Moon Antiquities Of The Ages
We hope these powerful Pokémon help you blow out your foes in battle.You can find more information about upcoming distributions at Pokemon.com/Legendary, and you can check out the list of all ongoing Pokémon distributions to make sure you're caught up. Don'tforget to check out more Pokémon TCG and video game articles, strategy, andtournament analysis at Pokemon.com/Strategy.