Maintenance training is scheduled on a first come, first served basis. A confirmation letter from MDHI customer training is required to reserve your space.
The maintenance courses are designed for FAA/repair station certified mechanics, but are open to all customers.
Courses are conducted in English. If customers are not fluent in English, a special course of longer duration must be scheduled four (4) months prior to training date, with a translator provided by the customer. This longer course will entail an additional cost. A translator will not be allowed in an English-speaking class.
Articles and tips related to the maintenance of UH-1 Helicopters. 204-076-052-009 205-076-099-007 main rotor servo OHC condition. Bell Helicopter 47D-1,47G & 47G-2 Maintenance & Overhaul Manual Helicopter Model: BH47D1-M-C.
- PDF Bell 204 Maintenance Manual 205/212/412/HUEY2 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Jetranger repair A Word on Service Manuals - EricTheCarGuy Bell Helicopter - Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Bell 206 Main Rotor Install Jocko Podcast 204 w/ Dick Thompson: Don't Sign Up For SOG. Jocko Podcast Page 2/11.
- Bell Helicopter 205 A-1 Maintenance Manual - Disclaimer: This item is sold for historical and reference Only. These are either ORIGINAL or COPIES of manuals and blueprints used when these aircraft were in active duty, now transferred into electronic format.
Available Maintenance Training Courses
MD 500D/E
This two-week maintenance course covers the inspection, operation and repair of standard MD 500D/E equipment and components.

This two-week course will cover inspection, operation and repair of standard MD520N equipment and components.
This two-week course will cover inspection, operation and repair of standard MD530F equipment and components.
MD 600N
This two-week maintenance course covers the inspection, operation and repair of standard MD 600N equipment and components.
The MD 902 Explorer two-week maintenance course covers the inspection, operation and repair of Standard MD 902 Explorer equipment and components.
Bell Helicopter Technical Manuals
This one-week course will familiarize maintenance personnel with KFC900 introduction/download procedures, avionics, EFIS 40, AHRS, the digital air data system, and the weather radar system.
Requests for Pilot Training can be made through our contact form or by dialing 1-800-388-3378, option 7.
Bell 47 Maintenance Manual
Maintenance Training Downloads
(right click save file as.. or double click to open)
2020 Maintenance Training Schedule
Please use the below link to our Maintenance Training contact form to register for classes when ready and a training coordinator will reach out to you!