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• Create powerful,ve used the license key provided by the instructions. K registration-key: Specifies a SQL Anywhere. Model described in your software license. SQL Anywhere Server Licensing Utility Version
• Processor A processor license restricts the number of separate physical processors that can be used by the database server. The number of CPUs that can be used by the database server may be further limited by the -gt option or by the SQL Anywhere edition you are running. The personal database server is limited to one CPU. For this license type, the database server treats each physical processor as a CPU and does not treat a dual core or hyperthreaded processor as multiple processors. When you have a processor license, there are no restrictions on the number of client connections to the database server.
-o filename Writes output messages to the named file. -q Runs in quiet mode—messages are not displayed. -u license-number Specifies the total number of users or processors for the license. If you are adding extra licenses, this is the total, not the number of additional licenses. License-file Specifies the path and file name of the server executable or license file for the personal database server, network database server, or MobiLink server you are licensing.
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You can view the current license information for a server executable by entering only the license file name. User-name Specifies the user name for the license.

This name appears in the database server messages window on startup. If there are spaces in the name, enclose it in double quotes.

Company-name Specifies the company name for the license. This name appears in the database server messages window on startup. If there are spaces in the name, enclose it in double quotes. The Server Licensing utility adds licensed users or licensed processors to your SQL Anywhere database server or MobiLink server. You must use this utility only in accordance with your license agreement to license the number of users or processors to which you are entitled. Running this command does not grant you license. The number of CPUs that the database server can use may also be affected by your SQL Anywhere edition or the -gt server option.
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See: • • This utility also modifies the user and company names displayed at startup by the personal or network database servers, and the MobiLink server. You can also use this utility to view the current license information for a personal or network database server by entering only the license file name. Licensing information is stored in a.lic file in the same directory as the server executable.
The server looks for a.lic file that has the same base file name as the executable that is being run. For example, if the database server executable was named myserver.exe, then the server looks for a license file named myserver.lic. By default, the following names are used. Executable License file name SQL Anywhere personal database server (dbeng12) dbeng12.lic SQL Anywhere network database server (dbsrv12) dbsrv12.lic MobiLink server (mlsrv12) mlsrv12.lic When you attempt to start a server, if the corresponding. Lic file is not available, then the server does not start.
The license file is created by the SQL Anywhere installation program. The dblic utility only modifies existing licenses; it does not create new license files. Exit codes are 0 (success) or non-zero (failure). On Unix, the database server executable is not writable by default, so using the Server Licensing (dblic) utility fails.

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Make sure the executable is writable (for example, using chmod +w) before you use the Server Licensing utility. Cached connections count toward per seat licensing. For more information about SQL Anywhere licensing, see. Elgin Serial Number Lookup.
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The following command, executed in the same directory as the database server executable, applies a license for 50 users, in the name of Sys Admin, for company My Co, to a Microsoft Windows network database server. The command must be entered all on one line: dblic -l perseat -u 50 'c: Program Files SQL Anywhere 12 Bin32 dbsrv12.lic' 'Sys Admin' 'My Co' The following messages appear on the screen to indicate the success of the license: SQL Anywhere Server Licensing Utility Version License applied successfully.
Advanced Edition Add-on: High Availability Add-on: In-Memory mode Add-on: Scale-out Nodes Licensed nodes: 50 User: Sys Admin Company: My Co Install key: The following command returns information about the license for a database server: dblic 'c: Program Files SQL Anywhere 12 Bin32 dbsrv12.lic'.
Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Standalone is the SQL-based software configuration management (SCM) solution with fully integrated. For both centralized and distributed development teams, SCM Anywhere Standalone helps development teams deliver software products faster. On the widely used and proven Source Anywhere, SCM Anywhere Standalone introduces many new version control features, such. Pending Change.
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