A list of some of the most useful commands, including some events, to use if you want an added boost in your AGoT games, or you want to construct the world to your liking before you begin.
Welcome to this guide on AGoT Cheats. Below you will find a list of useful commands and events, including how to create bloodlines with traditional claims on duchy, or kingdom level titles and dragon hatching events.- Here are the basic features added in v0.8. You can find a full changelist over at the mod's forum, but be warned: they may contain nuts spoilers. Many White Walkers improvements/fixes; Night's.
- Robb's Will event makes him Kingindanorf automatically, and the Stannis Alliance event makes him so if Stannis is defeated but Jon manages to kick the Lannisters' butts on his own. When you play as Dany, however, your best hope is the Robb's Will event. When it fires and Robb is dead, Jon is automatically de-watched and made King in the North.
- Before long, she, atop Drogon, her son Rhaegar on his mount Baelix, born from Drogon, and Jon Snow on Rhaegal burned Pyke. Balon Greyjoy would die in the fires of Daenerys' onslaught, and his son Theon would surrender his crown to her, in return being named Lord Paramount of the Iron Islands.
Should be ok to defeat the winter (re-conquer the lands they took give you more points I think). Don't worry about Stannis's war until you beat the Winter - Stannis lost his war for the throne in both of my playthroughs but my Jon Snow kept his title both times so Stannis's war doesn't affect you too much.
Some need-to-know terms in order to understand the guide
# = A Number, eg 6
<Character ID> = Found using the ‘charinfo’ command and hovering over a characters portrait
<Province ID> = Found in the files, for AGOT it’s at /documents/paradoxinteractive/crusaderkingsII/mod/agameofthrones/history/provinces
<Title ID> = Found by using ‘charinfo’ command and hovering of CoA (Coat of Arms, or Heraldry) of a Province. Usually has prefixes;
e_(empire name) for Empire,
k_(kingdom name) for Kingdom
d_(duchy name) for Duchy
b_(barony name) for a Barony (Lordship)
<Trait name/ID> = Found using ‘charinfo’ command and hovering over a trait
Any commands you or events you want but are not part of this list, either look up the exact command preceded by ‘ck2 agot’ on a search engine, or DM me and I’ll try to help. 🙂
I hope you find this guide useful,

Vanilla Commands
Vanilla Commandscharinfo = Show detailed Character inf
age <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character age.
infamy (-)(#) = Add or subtract players infamy
add_diplomacy <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character diplomacy.
add_martial <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character martial.
add_intrigue <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character intrigue.
add_stewardship <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character stewardship.
add_learning <Character ID> (-)(#) = Add or subtract character learning.
add_trait <Trait Name> <Character ID> = Gives character any trait.
remove_trait <Trait Name> <Character ID> = Remove any trait from the character.
cash (-)(#) = Add/subtract player gold, gives 5000 default.
piety (-)(#) = Add/subtract player piety, gives 5000 default.
prestige (-)(#) = Add/subtract player prestige, gives 5000 default.
population (-)(#) = Adds population (Requires Horse Lords DLC)
Manpower (-)(#) = Adds manpower (Requires Horse Lords DLC)

Ck2 Agot Jon Snow Resurrection
culture <Character ID> <Culture> = Change character culture (for example, “culture italian”).
religion <Character ID> <Religion> = Change character religion (for example, “religion catholic”).
nickname <Nickname> <Character ID> = Change character nickname (nicknames on bottom of page).
add_friend <Character ID> = Befriends the player and specific character (Two character ID’s can be input to befriend two specific characters).
add_lover <Character ID> = the player and specific character become lovers (Two character ID’s can be input to befriend two specific characters).
add_artifact <artifact ID><character ID> = Give artifact to a character
Banish <Character ID> = Banish character.
imprison <Character ID> = Imprison character.
kill <Character ID> = Kill character.
murder <Character ID>(Murderer) <Character ID>(Victim) = Forces attempt at murder, doesn’t promise success.
cuckoo <Character ID>(Mother) <Character ID>(Father) = Impregnates female by male. – hides ‘true father’ and if husband is not father, husband will believe the child is his.
pollinate <Character ID>(Mother) <Character ID>(Father) = Impregnates female by male.
claim <Title ID> <Character ID> = Gives a claim to a character.
give_title <Title ID> <Character ID> = Gives title to character including vassals and everything beneath.
titleowner <Title ID> <Character ID> = Gives title to character
clear = Clears console
charinfo all= Shows debug information about characters including Character ID
hello <Character ID> = Shows character’s page
nextsong = Changes music
observe = Allows you to *observe* the game without playing. Use the play character cheat to get back into gameplay.
play <Character ID> = Makes player change character

allow_laws = Toggle changing laws freely. Only works on crown laws
move (Character ID) = Forces character into your court.
discover_plots = Toggle plot omniscience.
fow = Toggles fog of war.
marry_anyone = Toggle ability to marry anyone.
neg_diplo = Toggles sending of diplomatic proposals that will be refused.
plots_known = Toggle plot visibility
revolt <Province ID> = Causes revolt in province.
help = list of most of the commands. Using ‘help’ followed by a different command, eg ‘help marry_anyone’, will display what the ccommand, in this case marry_anyone, allows you to do. This does NOT work on all commands however.
Vanilla Events
Useful Vanilla events listed below. Dragon events and the such like are not in this section.event 55000 = converts province to your culture. If you character is leader of an army, in any province other than your capital, it will convert that province, otherwise it will only do this to your capital.
event 20000 = converts province to your religion. If you character is leader of an army, in any province other than your capital, it will convert that province, otherwise it will only do this to your capital.
event 64025 = Fall in love with your spouse
Ck2 Agot Jon Snow Daenerys
event RIP.11705 = Adds an extra building slot to Capital
Dragon Events
Events to do with AGoT dragons.Ck2 Agot Jon Snow Scene
event dragon.1 <Character ID> = find an egg
event dragon.3 <Character ID> = choice to hatch an egg
event dragon.5 <Character ID> = successfully hatch an egg, works with dragon eggs born from previous dragons you have or your kinsmen may have given you.

event dragon.1099 <character ID (OF THE DRAGON WHO WILL GIVE BIRTH)> = (Do not include the ( ) section of that charcter ID for event dragon 1099. Dragon will produce an egg, which it will then give to its rider, or in the event of it having no rider, will keep itself and eventually hatch itself.
Ck2 Agot Jon Snow King Beyond The Wall
furthermore, dragons that are wounded or maimed have a special trait, different from the one used for human characters. eg wounded is wounded_dragon
Useful AGoT events
This is a short list of useful AGoT EventsCk2 Agot Jon Snow Shovel
event unoccupied.4 <province ID> = Colony in that province will increase to Advanced colony, Advanced Colony will go to a normal province.
event traditional_claims.201 = Will form a new bloodline of your current character, with a traditional claim on either the primary duchy level title (if your a duke) or primary kingdom level title (if your a king or emperor). Will not work for lordships/baronies.