To get to the generator you have to go to New Mauville. Go south in Mauville to Cycling Road, don't go on it. Go instead to the gap, between the trees (next to the guy who I think is doing something he shouldn't be doing into the water), directly below the building. Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire - Trading. Does anybody know generate a legit jirachi. It's the only gen 3 pokemon that i don't have. User Info: yologg. The following Pokemon Omega Ruby cheats can be entered using an Action Replay device connected to your 3DS. They can also be entered in the cheat menu of an emulation program such as the Citra. To enter the following Pokemon Omega Ruby cheats in a Citra, simply fire up your game, then head to the cheat menu then enter and save the code that you. Japan: November 21st 2014 US: November 21st 2014 Europe: November 28th 2014 Australia: November 21st 2014.
Gift Pokémon

Like the other games, there are numerous Pokémon that you don't get by capturing, but rather by a person kindly giving you the Pokémon. Like with the other methods, Hidden Abilities are utilised within these gifts
#252 Treecko, #255 Torchic, #258 Mudkip | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Route 101 The first Pokémon you get given are the starter Pokémon. In this game, they are Treecko, Torchic and Mudkip. In this game, you recieve them when you encounter Professor Birch in Route 101, where he asks you to use one to help defend him against a Poochyena.
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#025 Cosplay Pikachu | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Slateport City When you get to Slateport City, you get given the opportunity to participate in Pokémon Contests. After you have participated in your first one, a Pokémon Breeder will take you aside for a moment and offer you the special Pikachu which has clothes to match your Contest Clothes, Rock Star Pikachu if you're male or Pop Star Pikachu if you're female. This Pikachu has its Hidden Ability. In addition to that, it also has high stats for each of the Contest Types.
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#360 Wynaut | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Lavaridge Town The next gift is given in Lavaridge Town by the old woman near the hot springs. She will give you an Egg which, when hatched, will give you a Wynaut, which cannot be found in the wild.
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#381 Latios, #380 Latias | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Southern Island The next gift is given in Southern Island. As you reach Route 118, a Latias/Latios will appear to you and Steven and take you to the island where you discover Team Magma/Aqua are trying to take it and its Mega Stone. After defeating them, Latios or Latias will join you in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire respectively. They come holding their Mega Stone.
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#351 Castform | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Weather Institute After you have saved the people in the Weather Institute from Team Magma or Team Aqua, the scientists within the Weather Institute will give you the Pokémon Castform, which cannot be found in the wild.
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#152 Chikorita, #155 Cyndaquil, #158 Totodile | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Route 101 The next Pokémon you get given even more starter Pokémon. After the completion of the Elite Four, when you next exit your house in Littleroot Town, Professor Birch will call you over and tell you that he is under attack, this time from a Shroomish. He will ask for you to help him using Pokémon in his bag, this time giving you a choice between the Johto starters.
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#495 Snivy, #498 Tepig, #501 Oshawott | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Route 101 The next Pokémon you get given are even more starter Pokémon. After the completion of the Delta Episode, when you next exit your house in Littleroot Town, Professor Birch will call you over and tell you that he is under attack, this time from a Machoke from the Delivery services which he misconstrued the intent. He will ask for you to help him using Pokémon in his bag, this time giving you a choice between the Unova starters.
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#387 Turtwig, #390 Chimchar, #393 Piplup | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Route 101 The next Pokémon you get given are even more starter Pokémon. After the completion of the Elite Four again, when you next exit your house in Littleroot Town, Professor Birch will call you over and tell you that he is under attack, this time it seems he mistook his wife for a wild Pokémon. He will ask for you to help him using Pokémon in his bag, this time giving you a choice between the Sinnoh starters.
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#175 Togepi | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Lavaridge Town The next gift is given in Lavaridge Town by the old woman near the hot springs. After beating Primal Groudon/Kyogre, she will give you another Egg which, when hatched, will give you a Togepi, which cannot be found in the wild.
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#374 Beldum | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Mossdeep City After you have completed the Delta Episode, if you return to Steven Stone's house in Mossdeep City, you will find a PokéBall on the table with a note saying that the Beldum is a gift for you.
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#319 Sharpedo & #323 Camerupt | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Battle Resort After you have completed the Delta Episode, you gain access to the Battle Resort. In the island area, in the first Beach House on the right, you will find a pair of grunts, one from each team. They will tell you that they have deserted their team to be with eachother, but other grunts arrive and tell them the transpirings. When you next return to the hut, both grunts will say that they are going to go back to the teams to help change them and will both offer you a Pokémon.
Pokemon Omega Ruby Codes
Your Team

- ?????????
- ?????????
- ?????????
Normal | 0 |
Grass | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Water | 0 |
Fighting | 0 |
Flying | 0 |
Poison | 0 |
Ground | 0 |
Rock | 0 |
Bug | 0 |
Ghost | 0 |
Electric | 0 |
Psychic | 0 |
Ice | 0 |
Dragon | 0 |
Dark | 0 |
Steel | 0 |
Fairy | 0 |
Normal | 0 |
Grass | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Water | 0 |
Fighting | 0 |
Flying | 0 |
Poison | 0 |
Ground | 0 |
Rock | 0 |
Bug | 0 |
Ghost | 0 |
Electric | 0 |
Psychic | 0 |
Ice | 0 |
Dragon | 0 |
Dark | 0 |
Steel | 0 |
Fairy | 0 |

Normal | 0 |
Grass | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Water | 0 |
Fighting | 0 |
Flying | 0 |
Poison | 0 |
Ground | 0 |
Rock | 0 |
Bug | 0 |
Ghost | 0 |
Electric | 0 |
Psychic | 0 |
Ice | 0 |
Dragon | 0 |
Dark | 0 |
Steel | 0 |
Fairy | 0 |
Click the 'Copy' button to copy your team's URL to your clipboard and share it with your friends and neighbors!