- Prathyoosha eesosidharo janardhana, Dhamodharo avyad anusandhyam prabathe, Visweswaro bhagwan kala moorthi. 22 Let me protected by remaining part of the night, By the Lord in whom Srivathsa lives, Let me be protected just before dawn, By Lord Janardhana who holds the sword, Let me be protected at sun rise, By Lord Damodara and just before morn.
- Its Fantastic Bhajan sung by a 3yr old girl with awesome lyrics Jaya Janardhana Krishna Radhika Pathe. Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji played this song in his Bruhat Brahmanda Programme on occasion of Krishna Janmashtami.
Ramachandraya Janaka Rajaja manoharaya,
U S V A R A SA¯ H I T Y A M S M U T T USVA¯M I D ¯I K S. I T A R (W ITH N O T A I O N S ) a n a t a m p a h i m a m s a n g a s y a m a.le s a rv ad ha re jana nirejananijintitr¯ th a p a.
Maamaka abheeshta dhaya mahitha Mangalam.
Kosalesaya Manda hasa dasa poshanaaya,
Vasavadhi vinatha sadwaraya Mangalam.
Charu megha roopaya , chandanadhi charchithaya,
BHana kataka Shobhithaya bhoori Mangalam,
Lalitha rathna kundalaya , Thulasi vana malikaya ,
Jala jagataka dehaya Charu Mangalam.
Devaki suputhraya , deva devo dathamaya,
Pavana guru varaya, sarva Mangalam,
Pundarikakshaya poorna chandra vadanaya,
Andaja vahanaya , Athulya Mangalam.
Vimala roopaya , vividha vedantha Vedhyaya,
Sumukha chitha kamithaa subhaga Mangalam,
Ramadasa mrudula hrudaya vasaya,
Swami Bhadra giri varaya divya Mangalam.

Ramachandraya Janaka translation:
Mangalam to Ramachandra, the pretty Lord of daughter of Janaka,
And to him who fulfills all my desires without fail,
Mangalam to the Lord of Kosala, who encourages his devotees with smile,
And who is saluted by Indra and his subjects.

Mangalam to him who is like a pretty cloud , who is coated with sandal paste
And he who shines in his bracelet ,
Pretty Mangalam to he who wears pretty gem studded ear studs ,
Who wears a garland of Thulasi,
And the one who has a body like lotus.
All mangalams to son of Devaki who is a God of devas,
Rama Janardhana Song
And who is a great pure teacher,
Invaluable Mangalam to him who has lotus like eyes,
Who has moon like face and rides on Garuda.
Pleasing Mangalam to the pure form who is an expert in Vedas and Vedanthas,
Who likes to see mind of people with pretty face,
Ramachandraya Janaka Lyrics In English
Divine Mangalam to he who lives in the soft mind of Ramadasa,
Rama Janardhana Lyrics In Youtube
And to the God who lives in Bhadrachalam.