Hi all,
SAP GUI For Windows 7.60: New Features & Lifecycle ...
5) Download the SAP GUI for JAVA, from Service Marketplace 6) Extract the RAR File 7) And Navigate to this path SAPGUI for Macbook SAPGUIsetupMac BDNW7.0Presentation7.40Comp.3 PRES2 GUI JAVA. 8) Click on Run 9) Follow the steps shown, by clicking “Next” 1) Download the SAP GUI Installation PlatinGUI740MacOSX7. I suggest you to use SAP GUI Java 7.40 rev 7 (released recently) remember to update Oracle java (system preferences tab 'update') on earlier version of Os X ( SAP GUI Java 7.30. Probably you have to change java VMOptions for SAP GUI increasing the value of '-Xms' option. SAP GUI 7.50 Download For Windows & MAC and Patch Level 8; SAP GUI 7.40 Download for Windows & Java For Mac & Latest Patch Level 18; SAP GUI 7.3 Download for Windows & MAC - Patch Level 15 Added; SAP GUI 7.20 Download for Windows & Mac & Patch Level 14 (New) Added; Transaction History Executed by a User in SAP.
SAPgui for Mac 7.40 is the latest recommended release of the Mac SAPgui software. It supports users who need to access SAP components, products, and Dynpro functionality. Sap Gui 7.40 Patch 16 Download The SAP Download Manager is a free-of-charge tool that allows you to download multiple files simultaneously, or to schedule downloads to run at a later point in time. Software found in your download basket is visible in the SAP Download Manager.
a new major release of SAP GUI for Java is now available for download.
Besides using Java 8, SAP GUI for Java 7.40 supports various new OS versions and Linux distributions, comes with a new theme and includes various new features.

- Support for New OS Versions:
- openSUSE 13.2
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)
- Support for Java SE 8
- Blue Chrystal Theme: It is the standard theme of Fiori applications and has been adapted to the specific needs of SAP GUI. Blue Chrystal is fully compatible with the previous themes and comes with a new color palette and font based icons which are better scalable.
- SAP UI landscape: A unified UI landscape aligned with SAP GUI for Windows and Netweaver Business Client for Windows has been implemented.
- Localization: Texts displayed by SAP GUI for Java itself like in SAP Logon, Preferences and other dialogs are now translated in many languages.
- Html Control: The new embedded browser component is based on WebKit which provides a better user experience and supports current html standards.
- Enhanced Search: Input fields now support the HANA based enhanced search.
- New Controls: Dropdown listbox, input- and search fields are now available for the toolbar control in IDA ALV.
- User Manual: The user manual has been reviewed, extended and comes in a new format.
- Scripting: Scripting is now based on Nashorn, the JavaScript engine part of JDK 8.
See Full List On Blogs.sap.com
For details please refer to the manual (chapter '6.2 Release Notes and System Requirements' and '2. Installation') of the PlatinManual and SAP note 2059424.
Please be aware of some known issues related to the Html control component, which are expected to be addressed in Java 8 Update 40.
Planning information
SAP GUI for Java 7.30 will be supported until March 31, 2015. Therefore you should plan to upgrade in Q1 2015.
Best regards
Rolf-Martin Wörsinger
P.S. For feedback and questions, please post a new thread.
See Full List On Kb.mit.edu
In case you want to report an issue, preferably create a support message on component BC-FES-JAV.