- Split String C Builder For Mac Osx
- C Language Split String
- Split String C Builder For Mac Os
- C# String Builders
And it comes with several interesting features like, amongst others, using a substring as delimiter. Ranges should be included in C20, so we can hope to be able to use this feature easily in a couple of years. So, how do I split my string? If you have access to boost, then by all means do Solution 2. Or you can consider rolling out your own. Const char cSep = '-'; // Bytes separator in MAC address string like 00-aa-bb-cc-dd-ee /. This function accepts MAC address in string format and returns in bytes. It relies on size of byAddress and it must be greater than 6 bytes. If MAC address string is not in valid format, it returns NULL. NOTE: tolower function is used and it is locale. IoQQ编程网 c/c分割字符串 on How to split a string in C A server cluster for static files – Blog SatoHost on Consistent hash ring Using Kinesis and Kibana to get insights from your data - Import.io on Consistent hash ring.
In C#, a string can be broken by one or more given delimiters by using the Split method. The simple way of using the Split method can be: Sourcestring.Split(‘ ‘); Where Sourcestring is the string that you want to break. The delimiter like a comma, space etc. Is specified after the Split in parenthesis. StringCollection class is a new addition to the.NET Framework class library that represents a collection of strings. In this article, we will discuss how to take advantages of its methods and properties to manage a collection of strings.
July 1997
Strings, strings, strings!
by Kent ReisdorphBack in the good old days of C++ programming, you had two choices when it came to strings and string manipulation: You could use the C-style character array or the C++ string class. The situation is more complicated in C++Builder, because there are at least five different string-handling mechanisms:The C-style character array |
The C++ cstring class |
The Standard Template Library (STL) basic_string class |
The VCL AnsiString class |
The VCL SmallString template |
This whole string thing can be confusing, whether you come from a C++ or Delphi background or you're a newcomer to the sport. This article will help clear up the string issue. We'll take a look at each of the string-handling mechanisms and discuss the situations in which you might use each one.

In the beginning...
In the beginning, of course, there was C. If you didn't already know it, C++ is based on C--everything that's in C is also in C++. In addition, C++ contains the goodies you've come to know and love: classes, overloaded functions, operator overloading, templates, and so on.In C, there's no such thing as a true string data type--C handles strings as an array of characters (an array of the char data type). A character array declaration looks like this:This statement creates a character buffer with a length of 50.

Character arrays are null-terminated--which means the end of the string is marked by the terminating null character. The terminating null character is 0, or in C parlance, 0. For example, let's say you store the word John in a character array using thefunction, as follows:In memory, the character array looks like this:The terminating null character tells the compiler, 'This is the end of the string.' Since the character array is eight characters long, any characters following the terminating null will contain random values--garbage, if you will. These random characters don't matter, though, because as far as the compiler is concerned, the string ends at the terminating null.
This issue becomes important when you consider the declared length of a string. In the previous example, we declared a character array with an eight-character length. However, you can store only seven characters in the array, because C++ will add the terminating null character to any string you store.
So, if you try to store the eight-character string BillyBob in the array, you'll overrun the array by one character when C++ adds the terminating null. Your code will cause an access violation, either immediately or at some future point in the program.
The interesting factor is that C++ won't complain if you try to store 100 characters in an array that you declared to hold only 20 characters. It's up to you to keep track of how large your array is and to ensure that you don't overrun the end of the array.
You manipulate character arrays using a host of C++ functions. Table A lists a few of the most common string manipulation functions.
Table A: String manipulation functionsFunction | Description |
sprintf() | Builds a string with formatting |
strcpy() | Copies one string to another |
strcmp() | Compares one string to another |
strcmpi() | Performs a case-insensitive comparison |
strcat() | Concatenates one string to another |
strlen() | Returns the length of the string up to, and excluding, the terminating null |
strstr() | Searches a string for an occurrence of another string |
While the character array is as old as dust, we shouldn't discard it as an antiquated tool. When you want fast string manipulation, character arrays are the way to go. In some cases, in fact, you have no choice but to use character arrays. For instance, many Windows API functions require pointers to character arrays as parameters. So, the character array won't disappear any time soon.
C++ string classes
Over the years, the C++ language has includedvarious flavors of string classes. Each compiler vendor had its own string class, and those classes naturally evolved. Borland programmers need to make special note of two string classes: cstring and basic_string. Let's take a look at these classes.The C++ string class, cstring
The C++ string class is the original string class. The name of the class is actually string (lowercase s). This class is declared in the CSTRING.H header file, and is sometimes called cstring. We'll refer to it as cstring, since we'll discuss several string class variations in this article. Although the cstring class has evolved over time, the current version has remained unchanged for several years.
Why does C++ have a string class? Primarily because the C-style character arrays aren't very convenient when you need to manipulate many strings. Classes let you more easily truncate strings, concatenate strings, delete portions of a string, search a string for certain character combinations, and so on.
For example, the following code demonstrates two ways to add four strings together, using the string class and then again using a C-style character array:This code illustrates two important points about string classes. First, notice that you don't have to worry about specifying the size of the string. The cstring class will allocate memory as needed to accommodate an operation such as concatenation. And, speaking of concatenation, the string class overrides the + operator and lets you use + to add to the end of the string. With character arrays, you must use the strcat() function to add strings.
Testing for equality is another operation that's much easier with a string class than with character arrays. For instance, consider the following lines of code:The cstring version is easier to read and more intuitive than the character array version, particularly because the strcmp() function returns 0 if the strings match and a non-zero value if the strings don't match. The first line above seems to read 'if not buff, compare to test,' when in fact, the line compares for equality. Again, the string class version is more readable and understandable.
Another big plus about string classes is that you can call cstring class functions to perform operations on the string.Table B describes several cstring functions. This list isn't complete, but it provides an idea of the kinds of operations you can perform on a string object.
Table B:cstring class functionsSplit String C Builder For Mac Osx
Name | Description |
append() | Adds text to the end of a string |
contains() | Determines whether a string contains another string |
c_str() | Returns the character array buffer used by the string class to store a string's data |
find() | Finds characters within the string class and returns a string's position |
find_first_of() | Returns an index to the first occurrence of specified characters within a string |
find_last_of() | Returns an index to the last occurrence of specified characters within a string |
insert() | Inserts text into a string at the specified location |
length() | Returns the length of the text in a string |
prepend() | Adds text to the beginning of a string |
remove() | Removes characters from a string |
strip() | Removes trailing or leading characters, such as trailing blank, from a string |
substring() | Creates a new string from characters in a string |
to_lower() | Converts a string to lowercase |
to_upper() | Converts a string to uppercase |
For example, you may need to strip the path and extension off a filename, using code like the following:This code illustrates three points. First, you can easily manipulate the text in a cstring class object (the code might not seem easy, until you contrast it to the equivalent code using char arrays). Second, to specify the backslash in a C++ string literal, you must use a double backslash. Since a single backslash is an escape character used to enter special codes, to indicate an actual backslash in the string you must use a double backslash.
Finally, this code illustrates the c_str() function, which yields a char* representation of your string. In this case, the Windows API function SetWindowText() wouldn't understand if you tried to pass it the cstring object itself. The c_str() function isn't pretty, and it's a pain to type, but you'll need it if you're going to use string classes with any functions requiring a char*.
One problem with string classes is that, depending on how they're written, they can be fairly slow when performing much string manipulation. For instance, each time the string length changes, memory must be reallocated to account for the new string length. Depending on how thestring class was originally written, this reallocation can cost you manyclock cycles.
STL basic_string
The Standard Template Library (STL) was written in an attempt to standardize often-used C++ classes such as string classes, array classes, lists, double lists, queues, and others. STL also provides iterator classes that traverse the various container classes. The basic_string class is part of STL. This class is typedef'd, so we refer to it simply as string. You may encounter problems since cstring and basic_string ultimately have the same name, as we'll discuss in a moment.The STL string class has many functions in common with cstring, and the class also provides most of the same overloaded operators as cstring. Although STL is considered the new wave in terms of general C++ programming classes, I don't anticipate using STL strings extensively in C++Builder. For one thing, you can't place the STL headers in the C++Builder pre-compiled headers. Compiling a unit that contains the lineswill generate the compiler warning Could not create pre-compiled header: code in header. In order to eliminate the compiler warning, you must write the code this way:The bottom line is that a program using STL's basic_string class will take longer to compile because the STL header has to compile each and every time the unit compiles.
Another problem comes into play when you use cstring and basic_string, because both use the common name string. When you use the STL version of string, you must declare the std namespace. To do so, you can place the following declaration at the beginning of the unit that uses STL string:This line tells the compiler, 'Use the string class found in the std namespace.' You can also declare the std namespace by explicitly declaring the string class with the std namespace specified, as follows:It doesn't matter which method you use. This requirement, along with the header issue, makes me avoid using the STL string class all together.
VCL string classes
As you know by now, VCL is written in Pascal. Pascal offers some language features C++ doesn't have, and vice versa. For instance, Pascal has three string data types: PChar, short string, and large string. The PChar data type is equivalent to char*. The short string data type is a string--limited to 255 characters--whose length is specified when you declare it. The large string data type is a string object whose size is limited only by available memory. C++Builder provides two classes to emulate Pascal's string data types: SmallString and AnsiString (there's no need for a class to emulate PChar). Let's examine these classes.The SmallString template
C++Builder implements the SmallString class as a template. Borland provides this class for Pascal compatibility, and I don't see any reason to use it when you're writing new C++Builder code. If you were to use this class, the syntax would look something like this:The String class
The VCL String class is yet another C++ string class. Before we get into the specifics of this class, let's consider a little background.VCL makes heavy use of the string data type (long string). Nearly all text-based VCL properties are of the Pascal string data type. For example, the Text, Name, and Caption properties are string properties. VCL also uses the string data type in various methods and event-handling functions.
You should understand two things about this data type. First, it's an actual language data type, not just a character array. Second, C++ has no built-in equivalent for the Pascal string data type. Since string is used so heavily in VCL, and since C++Builder uses the Pascal VCL, Borland created a C++ class called AnsiString to approximate the Pascal string data type. You can use this C++ class wherever you require a Pascal string data type.
Let's face it--the name AnsiString isn't particularly appealing. Somewhere in SYSDEFS.H, you'll find the following line:This line lets you use the name String (uppercase S) to declare an instance of the AnsiString class. To illustrate, you can write a line like this:Since String is the recommended alias for the AnsiString class, there's no reason to use the name AnsiString in your C++Builder programs.
The String class, like the other C++ classes, has several functions to make string manipulation easier. The class's constructors allow you to create a String object from a char*, an int, or a double. In addition, the String class has several overridden operators to ease tasks like concatenation (+ and +=), assignment (=), and testing for equality (). Finally, the conversion operators make mixing and matching String and other object types invisible to you.
C Language Split String
Consider the following code, for example:This code works because the String class has a char* conversion operator (as well as the overridden operator). The char* conversion operator performs an implicit conversion in this case, which allows you to test the contents of the String object and the contents of the character array for equality. The whole process happens automatically--you don't have to worry about how it works, just understand that it does work.
The String class, like cstring, has a c_str() function, which is required when you want to get the character buffer of the String object. For example, if you use the Windows API function DrawText(), you have to write code something like this:Since the second parameter of the DrawText() function requires a pointer to a character buffer, you must use the c_str() function.
At this point, we need to mention an oddity of the String class: The index operator ([ ]) can reference a particular element of a string. For example, the linesassign the character W to the Caption property of a label component. Note that the first element of the string is at array index 1--not array index 0, as with other C++ arrays.
While the 1-based index is required for technical reasons, I suspect this feature will cause C++Builder programmers some grief. For instance, the following code will fail silently:The code will fail because 0 isn't a valid index number for a string. The following line of codeon the other hand, is correct.
Split String C Builder For Mac Os
So many choices!
C# String Builders
You have five choices of string types in C++Builder (four, if you exclude SmallString). Which of the five types are you going to use?I've found that the String class works well for almost all of my string needs. (This endorsement is based primarily on the fact that the String class was designed to be used with VCL properties and methods.) For day-to-day programming using VCL, the String class is a clear choice. It works seamlessly with VCL and includes enough functions to handle most string-manipulation chores. But, as usual, the choice of string types depends on the task at hand in your code. It's always best, though, to know your options. In this article, we've attempted to shed some light on the subject of handling strings in C++Builder.

Kent Reisdorph is a editor of the C++Builder Developer's Journalas well as director of systems and services at TurboPower Software Company, anda member of TeamB, Borland's volunteer online support group. He's the author of TeachYourself C++Builder in 21 Days and Teach Yourself C++Builder in 14 Days.You can contact Kent at editor@bridgespublishing.com.