XJ900P 5JD2 S.AFRICA 205JD 664E1 2 A FOREWORD This Parts Catalogue is related to the parts for the model s in the below frame. When you are 5. Applicable colors of graphics are represented in the “REMARKS” as shown orderingreplacementparts,pleaserefertothisParts Catalogueandquotebothpartnumbersand below. part names correctly. PARTNO. DESCRIPTION Q’TY REMARKS XJ900P 5JD2 2N4 24110 00 X5.FUELTANKCOMP. 2 MXR 3J1 24240 10 .GRAPHIC,FUELTANK 1 for MXR 1. Modifications or additions which have been madeafter issue of the Parts Catalogue will beannounced in the Yamaha Parts News. 6. Applicable Serial No. It is advisable that you make necessary corrections to the Parts Catalogue according to the Yamaha Parts News. Engine Serial No. FrameSerial No. 2. Abbreviations TheFollowingabbreviations are used in this Parts Catalogue. “UR” Use specified parts number. “UN” Use as many as needed. “AP” Alternate Parts “LM” Local Made Partsneed to be ordered locally “F ” FrameNo. Applicable machine No. 3. Parts, which are to be supplied in an assembly, are listed with adot . in front of the part name asshown below. EXAMPLE CARBURETORASSY 7. Note that the illustrations for reference in funding parts numbers, not to be .JET, PILOT usedforassembling.Whenassembling,pleasusetheapplicableservice manual. .NOZZLE,MAIN 8. Theasterisk before a reference number indicates modification items 4. Numberofcomponentforassembly after the first edition. Thenumeralappearingtotherightofeach componentpartindicates the quantity of parts for each assemblyunit. EXAMPLE PARTNO. DESCRIPTION Q’TY REMARKS 2F5 83310 60 FRONTFLASHERLIGHTASSY 2 115 83311 60 .BULB 6V 18W 1 1M1 83309 60 .REFLECTOR 1 3 A MODEL LABEL 1 A label called “Model Label” is affixed in the location as indicated in 3 below. 4 Model Code Production Code Number of Model Listed in This Parts Catalog Whenusingthispartscatalogue, please be sure to cross refer the “model code
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